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What are our competitive performance programs about? Competitive performance classes are built to increase confidence and motivation in our students through live shows and competing at competitions.

KJD Dance believe strongly that this is an important part of developing performers. Why do we believe this? Well this is my story....

Growing up as a dancer we did SHOWS, SHOWS, SHOWS AND I LOVED THEM! I went to one of the leading dance studios in Penrith (at the time) and I loved nothing more then to perform. Back then if you wanted a solo you made it up yourself (well at my dance studio anyway) and IF the studio director approved it you could perform it and I did! And often!! Probably what inspired me to become a dance teacher to begin with....

But eisteddfods, my teacher would say “your not doing those things they are rubbish!” Well that was his grumpy old opinion but for me I think healthy competition gives students an edge, makes them want to grow as dancers (given you are teaching the right ethics at the same time)

So what does KJD Dance studio do?

Well like I said in my previous blog posts we are big on Hip Hop Dance Competitions, they are inspiring to the kids from the people you meet right through to the encouraging environment they are placed in at these events.

We do eisteddfods about 3 a year, the more advanced classes have the option to compete not just in troupes but in solo and duos as well. We try keep the majority of these to the Penrith, Nepean, Emu Plains area for our Penrith Studios and to the fairfield, Liverpool, Holroyd area for our Wetherill Park Studio, to keep it local and easy on our parents.

We then do other competitions that I know will benefit the kids (industry wise) particularly with our artist development students, our singers. For them there is a whole range of other opportunities as far as competitions go I like to lead them in the direction that will benefit them with their confidence when they first start taking singing lessons and then into their careers as their singing progresses (more then just entering them in a competition) and I am fortunate to have the leads to do this.

Then there is the SHOWS yes my all time favorite. All the kids do community shows and end of year concert. The community shows are mostly in the Penrith, Holroyd and Fairfield area, local once again.

It is all about building their confidence and allowing them to take that next step to want to be their best! Performing is amazing for confidence especially when you get those cheers from the audience at the end of your performance. A large majority of our students take our dance classes and singing lessons because they want to get on the stage.

Then there are the more high profile shows that we enter maybe for a marketing or network purpose. Getting the kids that are building their skills faces in the industry and amongst the people who count!

And of course there is the professional shows or the TV experiences and no not just once you reach 18 years there are a lot of opportunities out there and we like the kids to get those opportunities and prove to themselves just what they can achieve. We have a new class starting for this exact purpose in 2016 "Live Development" Read more about this in upcoming Blogs.

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